Torrance Airport- For Local Pilots

Torrance airport, which is located near the Palos Verdes Peninsula and South Bay cities, offers many convenient services for small aircraft pilots. This airport is conveniently located in the Southeastern section of Torrance, just between Crenshaw and Hawthorne Boulevards.

For further information please see the airport website at airhome.htm

Listed below are some important facts about Torrance airport:

Location:                                   3301 Airporl Drive, Torrance (310) 784-7900

Hours of Operation:                Tower Hours-7:00 AM to 8:00 PM
.                                                   CurJew Hours-10:00 PM to 7:00 AM
.                                                   Saturday-Sunday-Lifts at 8:00 AM


Size: 500 Acres of airport property; 140 acres leased at commercial rates for non-aeronautical purposes; 360 acres aeronautical (140 acres of this land is open and partially used for agriculture).
Runways:                                  29R-1 1 L 5,000′ by 150′ asphalt paving
.                                                   29L-1 1 R 3,000 by 75′ asphalt paving

Contact information for local flying clubs:

.                                                  Del Amo Flyers, Torrance
.                                                  c/o Stacy Mounton (310) 830-3876

.                                                  56 Flying Club, Palos Verdes Peninsula
.                                                  c/o Herb Clarkson (310) 548-0574

.                                                  Space Park Flying Club, Manhattan Beach
.                                                  c/o Maxwell Biddle (310) 812-7676

.                                                 Ninety-Nines Inc., Harbor City
.                                                 c/o Carolyn Brown (310) 517-4281